Laser Lipolysis

Laser Lipolysis

8 Session Course
  • Laser lipolysis is a body-contouring treatment designed to remove stubborn areas of fat and give you a slimmer, more defined figure.
  • Treatment schedule: Though some clients begin to notice results after only a few sessions, most require 6–8 treatmentsto see maximum results. The treated area will be measured to assess inch loss achieved and depending on the client, results are expected to be between 0.5 and 3 inches.
  • You will then need to do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio exercise to boost your lymphatic system and burn off some of the excess energy that has been released from the fat cells and have a min 2l water intake daily
  • Frequency: Two treatments per week for four weeks are recommended.
  • Downtime: Because the treatment is not invasive, no downtime is required.

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